Welcome to our new concept. We want to provide trainees and faculty in the Biomedical Sciences with personal career development sessions to help resolve issues from CV clinics and deciding what to do with the PhD to life after funding and the lab as well as funding issues in career sustainability. Our expertise of surviving in biomedical science careers and obtaining expert points of views from academic and institutional leaders helps us give you the edge you need for successful career decisions.
Issues we often work with are:
What do I do after the Ph.D., Postdoc, non-tenure renewal?
My PI has no funding, now what?
I did not pass my qualifying exam, now what?
Is my CV right?
How can I move from Postdoc to PI-what funding exists for me?
How can I teach while in graduate school?
How do I secure funding?
How do I stay productive?
How should I prepare my tenure applications?
Get our guide here.
Course Curriculum
1.1 Your Personalized Career Development Session | 00:00:00 |