Deciding on a Biomedical Career

For Graduate students, postdocs, faculty transitions.
Create a chart for what you don’t want and what you do want.
Do you want to move?
Do you want to travel?
Do you want short projects with tight deadline?
Do you want constant change in projects-do you get bored easy?
Do you want to write and edit a lot and not talk directly to people (writing and editing, staff writer)?
Do you want to teach and grade papers? (teaching and PUI, tier 1 research, community colleges, K-12)
Do you desire to be in an office? (PI, compliance, grant manager, tech transfer, regulatory, nonprofits)
Do you desire to be in the lab? (staff scientist
Do you want to participate nationally? (NSF, NIH, NASA, CDC, state agencies, EPA)
Do you want regulatory position? (compliance, FDA, public health,)